If you’re in the market for a new property and don’t know exactly how your dream home should look like (we can hardly believe it), then we’d like a word with you. Check out this amazing list of contemporary homes and let yourself charmed by these amazing structures.
Created by some of the most talented designers out there with lavish accents that get the eyes, exquisite furnishings, glossy interiors and modern materials, we’d love to spend a few months each year in any of them. They’re nothing short of breathtaking … Right?
Architecture has come a long way. Thanks to modern building technology and materials, architects can create even more extreme buildings. This freedom sometimes results in amazing creations. Here are some of my favourites:
Andrew Maynard Architects are the designers behind this gorgeous modern addition to a Victorian home in Melbourne, Australia. The inspired architecture of Vader House came by breaking a few rules. According to Andrew Maynard Architects, “The high boundary walls, built in disregard of existing height regulations long before such rules were created, permitted a non-standard height along the northern boundary.
The roofline then abruptly turns to follow the dictated set-back lines, resulting in a playful and telling interpretation of planning rules.” This modern house design features huge expanses of glass that take the place of conventional walls, while traditionally exterior brick walls have become a fabulous trendy feature inside, reflecting the home’s modern, refined edge.
The ultra-modern appeal continues in this home’s strong industrial style influences, such as its airy double-height living areas, the red-hot staircase, and cool steel chimneys. Light-filled living spaces blend practicality with high-end style. The home’s living, cooking, working and entertainment areas are all within view of one another. A playful use of color inside this contemporary house, along with the outdoor pool and al fresco courtyard, are an entertaining complement to the home’s sleek urban flavor.
Created by some of the most talented designers out there with lavish accents that get the eyes, exquisite furnishings, glossy interiors and modern materials, we’d love to spend a few months each year in any of them. They’re nothing short of breathtaking … Right?
Architecture has come a long way. Thanks to modern building technology and materials, architects can create even more extreme buildings. This freedom sometimes results in amazing creations. Here are some of my favourites:
Andrew Maynard Architects are the designers behind this gorgeous modern addition to a Victorian home in Melbourne, Australia. The inspired architecture of Vader House came by breaking a few rules. According to Andrew Maynard Architects, “The high boundary walls, built in disregard of existing height regulations long before such rules were created, permitted a non-standard height along the northern boundary.
The roofline then abruptly turns to follow the dictated set-back lines, resulting in a playful and telling interpretation of planning rules.” This modern house design features huge expanses of glass that take the place of conventional walls, while traditionally exterior brick walls have become a fabulous trendy feature inside, reflecting the home’s modern, refined edge.
The ultra-modern appeal continues in this home’s strong industrial style influences, such as its airy double-height living areas, the red-hot staircase, and cool steel chimneys. Light-filled living spaces blend practicality with high-end style. The home’s living, cooking, working and entertainment areas are all within view of one another. A playful use of color inside this contemporary house, along with the outdoor pool and al fresco courtyard, are an entertaining complement to the home’s sleek urban flavor.
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